Rose G
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What is the biggest obstacle facing women today from reaching their goals?

Where do I begin? I suppose I could pick one thing, but this is gonna be difficult. Having a vagina just might be the biggest obstacle facing women today but I will save that discussion for another post.

biggest obstacle women face

Women are magical creatures. All beautiful and unique in their own way. Even if they do not shout it from the rooftop most have dreams… goals… desires – which can also be as unique as the women. What is a goal for one woman may be totally different than another woman’s. One may want to grow with a company and another may want to start one.

Some of the goals women have today started as an idea when they were little girls and other goals sprouted as they matured into the women they are now. Life experiences can often cause goals to shift be or replaced with other goals as well. No matter how young or old a woman is most of them have goals… small and big.

In today’s society setting goals is pretty important. Whether it is a weight loss goal or a career goal women are out there doing what it takes to reach them. Unfortunately not all goals are reached with a simple checklist. Sometimes there are obstacles facing women that make these goals seem unattainable.

I think one of the biggest obstacles facing women today from reaching their goals is the expectation that they need to do it ALL. Women have more rights than they did in the past but it also seems like these rights came with more expectations. The whole two steps forward, one step back deal.

Now a lot of times these expectations are self-imposed. A lot of women feel they have to obtain and balance everything (house, career, children, spouse and so on) in order to get what they want. However, most of that stems from the expectations that society has put upon them. And simply stated not all women want and/or are capable of doing all of that.

There is so much pressure on women to fit into this cookie cutter example of what a woman is. If that pressure becomes too much for them to handle their goals go on the back burner and they try to fit the mold. They want to be accepted. They want to be praised. They want to prove that they can balance their life, their husbands life, their children’s life all while sh*tting glitter and looking fabulous.

If women want to reach their goals I suggest that they be honest with themselves about whom or what is holding them back. Are they trying to live up to the expectation of others? If that is the case figure out what to do differently and how to not be so heavily influenced by others.

More Articles:
+ How She Does It : Read these women’s stories about how they get things done.
+ 15 Societal Expectations of Women That Need to Die: She brings up the sh*tting glitter thing too ha ha!
+ Study: Women can’t have it all and they shouldn’t want to

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo March 2015

Make sure you check out all of my NaBloPoMo Posts

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2 Comments on The Biggest Obstacle Facing Women

  1. Just popping in for a moment to check out your take on today’s question. What kind of response are you getting from this month’s challenge? I’m feeling quite alone–I haven’t found many who are actively answering the daily questions :/

    • Aloha. Thank you for stopping in. I did notice that a lot of folk are not really participating (not as many as I thought would anyways.) I hope you’re enjoying your weekend!

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