Rose G
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Hi there! If you have noticed I have been posting more lately. One of my promises to myself was that I would post on a regular basis so that this blog is not just sitting here waiting for some love. Since it is my birthday month and I’m turning 40 this year I thought it would be cool to share some of the things I have learned over the last 40 years.

I feel like 40 years is a long time, however, it feels like the time has flown by quickly. I have had so many experiences over the years and learned so many things about myself, about life and so on. Coming up on this milestone I have been doing a lot of reflecting and I am hoping that this post resonates with some of you. Here are just some things I learned in the last 40 years:

Your only competition is YOU. Society teaches us that to get somewhere we need to compete to get to the top. This may be true, however, I believe that your biggest competitor is yourself. You should always strive to do better than what you have done in the past if there is something you would like to accomplish.

Practice can get you a long way. It is often exciting to learn new things that you never knew before. Whether it is at school, through a new job or any other experience. Sometimes you get nervous and other times you find joy in learning something.

Unfortunately, if you do not practice what you learn you may forget about what you learned. For example, if you start a new job and learn how things work and what your duties are, without practicing it you may forget what you’re supposed to do – sometimes people will take a vacation from work, come back and forget some of the things that came naturally to them due to practicing them daily. Practice the things that you learned.

Self-care is important. Over the past couple of years I have noticed more and more people mention what they do for self-care. I wish this was something that I had learned (and practiced) at a younger age and more religiously.

Even now I often forget to take time for myself even if it is something small like making my favorite tea. I am learning more and more each day to take a moment whenever I can to practice some self-care because I deserve it and it makes me feel so much better once I do.

Your mental health is important. I have written a few times on here about my struggles with my mental health. I have had issues with it since I was a teenager and it got worse as I got older due to me neglecting it. Just as the health of your body is important, the health of your mental and well-being is just as important.

Whether you start to meditate, see a therapist or if your on medication – remember to take it religiously, make sure you are taking care of your mental health just like you would with any other health issue that you may have.

There are bullies everywhere. In a lot of grades I was bullied and picked on. I know many people that have been bullied as well. What I realized later in life is that bullies aren’t just mean girls in high school. There are people that bully you as an adult too – it could be family members or co-workers. Regardless of what situation you are in you may come across a bully.

As you get older I think it is best to stand up for yourself and not let them make you feel down or unworthy of respect. Muster up the courage to set boundaries. We all deserve respect.

Time is precious. We are given this one precious life and the years that we are allotted to live them. Once those years are gone, they are in the past. We can learn from past mistakes and regrets but what are we going to do with the rest of our life? Are we going to continue to live with regrets or are we going to take the reign and live the best life that we possibly can?

Do that thing. Start that business. Tell that person you love them before it is too late. When my father passed away I felt like I just did not get to tell him how much I cared about him as much as I should have.. Make that change. Take that trip. Do things that bring your joy. Discover your passion and dive into it. Don’t sit around as your life passes you by.

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