Category: Health & Wellness

Wellness Wednesdays: Mental Health Matters

TRIGGER WARNING: Mental health disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks

I recently went through (and am still going through) a rough time with my mental health. I have had anxiety mixed with panic attack that lead to me going to the E.R. I have had depression that I had to fight and force myself to do every day things – getting out of bed was a major struggle. Going to work. Washing clothes. Being social. Everything became a huge task that I did not want to or know how to do anymore.

Though I feel significantly better than I did a few months ago with therapy and medication, I still have times where I feel extremely anxious or depressed. I had to realize this may be something I deal with for the rest of my life. I thought it would be good to talk about it a bit and share some things that have helped me along the way.

Find a safe place to talk about what you’re going through. Whether you have a friend or family member to go to or need to reach out to a professional – get out there and find someone to speak to. If you get a therapist, counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist sometimes you may have to go a few sessions to get a feel of it they are a fit. You may be a bit anxious and/or guarded at first but don’t let that stop you – they may be just what you need to let out a sigh of relief.

Don’t feel like you’re a burden. You aren’t. You may feel you are but you aren’t. You may not have found that safe space. Keep looking until you do. Even if it on websites or through social media. I have found many supportive people online that don’t mind listening to what I am going through, lending an ear and giving me advice and words of encouragement. Of course you can keep your guard up and set boundaries in the beginning and not share every single thing with people, but there are people out there that have gone through or are going through the same or similar things that you are going through.

If your mental health professional suggests that you take medication and you are hesitant, ask them more about it and let them know you may want to think about it a bit. There are many different medications that are out there and you have options. If you want to look up the medication(s) that they suggest go ahead and do so. Just be warned that some people do get side effects so keep that in mind. Some are minor and others are major but you should feel comfortable enough to discuss this with your mental health care provider.

Find a happy place or things to do that make you happy. If your mental health issue(s) came on suddenly remember that there were things in the past that you enjoyed. Force yourself to do them! If you love to paint, go and paint. If you love to go to the beach – do it. It may be difficult at first but it is good to do the things you love and that make you happy.

Have a routine. This was tough for me at first because I was all over the place. Now MON – FRI I have work and I come home and do 1 of 3 things during the evening hours. For weekends I try to schedule at least 1-2 things that require me to leave the house. If I stay in all weekend my mind races and I get frustrated and sometimes depressed. If you plan ahead and stick to it I promise you will feel better about it. What also works is scheduling something with a friend or family member so that I know someone else is looking forward to doing something with me as well.

Be your best YOU. There is only one you in the whole entire world and even if you are feeling down and not yourself, do what you can to be the best you that you can be. If that means starting something new – a class, a new hobby, a business – do it. Keep yourself busy at being YOU. Figure out what you are good at, figure out what you are passionate about and go out and do it!

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Staying Healthy During The Holidays

Even though the holidays are supposed to be a generally happy time of year it seems like it can often be full of stress. Personally the stress of school, weird weather changes and previously pressure at work (I was once a Retail Store Manager) usually leads me to getting a cold and sometimes even the flu. My body just breaks down and says “Alright Rose. Time to rest.” But you can’t always get that rest because the world will continue to go on without you.

I usually try to take preventive measures – take more vitamins and supplements that boost my immune system, drink more water and attempt to get plenty of rest. Also – wash my hands and use hand sanitizer as often as I can without being obsessive. Sometimes even though most preventive measures do not always equate to remaining healthy but there are things that you can do even if you end up getting sick.

After travelling recently and the stress of my father passing away as well as everything else I ended up getting sick for about a week. Since I’m a professional at getting sick (but recovering quickly) here are some of my favorite tips for staying healthy during the holidays – including if you already have some type of bug in your system.

how to stay healthy during the holidays

Note: These are things that I personally do/use (not all at the same time) and this is NOT medical advice so please followup with your Doctor for more information about what may be suitable for you. Always read the packaging of any item you use in case you have allergies or are at risk for other side effects.

Staying Healthy During The Holidays – The Basics

+ Drink water. Stay hydrated.
+ Get plenty of rest. Your immune system will thank you.
+ Get some exercise in as often as you can because exercise can boost your immunity. If you are already sick check with your doctor first. Check out this awesome infographic on exercise, illness and your immune system. [You might enjoy: Exercise when sick: Should you sweat it out? Or rest and recover?]
+ Purchase a humidifier if you can.
+ Always have the following stocked up prior to getting sick so you don’t have to run to the store while sick: Cold/Cough and/or Flu Medicine (TheraFlu is my favorite but WalMart carries a generic version that works just as well), hand sanitizer or sani wipes, Ginger Ale, Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, face tissues (for home and pocket size for your purse), Vitamin C, Zinc, EmergenC and/or Airborne, canned broths or clear soups and applesauce.

Staying Healthy During The Holidays – Tips

+ Wipe everything down with your favorite germ killing sprays or wipes – tables, keyboards, door handles, sinks and so on. Anything where someone sick may have touched, breathed or sneezed on… WIPE IT DOWN
+ When in public – especially when travelling, wash your hands well and/or use hand sanitizer after touching door handles, shopping carts, bathroom stalls and so on. If I use a public restroom I will wash my hands, use a paper towel to open doors and often sanitize my hands again once I leave.
+ If you start getting stomach issues or a cold make a mix of Ginger ale, water, 1-2 tsps of Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and a little honey to sweeten (optional): I like to water my ginger ale down because of the carb content. If you don’t care for Ginger Ale you can also do 8 oz of water and 1-2 tsps of Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. I am actually drinking this as I write this and it has significantly kicked my cold recovery time.
+ Check out Tracys Fire Cider Recipe to really keep healthy during the holidays.
+ During holiday travel keep your hands clean at all times and avoid touching your face unless you have cleaned your hands first. If you have to touch handles or other places that others may have touched try to use a paper towel or tissue and always sanitize or wash your hands well. Take Airborne a day before travelling, the day of travelling and a day or two after travelling. When you plan on returning do the same thing – take the day before travelling, day of travelling and a couple days after.
+ If you are having what feels like the stomach flu (go to your doctor first for confirmation) and are ready to start eating do clear liquids and stick to the “BRAT” diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast). I like applesauce so I usually get unsweetened applesauce and put a little cinnamon if I feel I can have that added to it.
+ If you are sick – stay indoors if you can so that you don’t spread illness to others. And let others know it is okay to stay home if they aren’t feeling well too. Sometimes we get sick, spread it to someone else and then the vicious cycle continues. For colds the first couple of days is when we are most likely to spread the cold virus but we can be infectious for up to two weeks on average.
+ Wash your sheets, pillowcases and that blanket you keep snuggling with. If you can do fresh linens daily that would be excellent but if not try as often as you can and especially once you seem “cured” – wash everything!

What are your favorite ways to stay healthy during the holidays? Favorite remedies? Let us know in the comments.

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Making Well-Being a Priority at Work

Work Relationships

Most adults spend a majority of their time at their job. Because our time spent there makes a huge impact on our lives, people should think about making well-being a priority at work. Often times we spend so much time there that we sometimes end up with a “work family” of sorts. Since we spend so much time with the people we work with it is important that we take care of and look out for each other when we can.

Even though the dynamic may be different because it is the work environment, people often take care of each other in some sort of way. If you have close relationships with the people that you work with you, may know at least the basic information about them. Others you may have more personal relationships with. Either way you know a little about them and can use that to build a positive work relationship.

Managing With Integrity

When it comes to upper management, things often change because managers are supposed to manage, delegate and guide others. However, staying too removed from the people that they work with can often hurt not only work relationships but also the work environment in general.

By forming (healthy and appropriate) relationships with their employees; managers can help their employees to do better which will in turn make their jobs easier and more enjoyable as well. Did you know that in many large corporations when there seems to be a lot of problems the first person that gets in trouble is the manager if it looks like they are not working well with others? If that doesn’t encourage you to work better with others, I don’t know what will.

Praise and Encouragement

It is extremely important for people that are in charge to encourage and praise their employees when they are doing well. When someone is praised for their “good work” or “dedication” it often makes them not only feel better about themselves but can also inspire them to continue to do great work.

When someone feels like their hard work has paid off and they get complimented for it, it can positively effect their well-being as well. As a manager, the health and well-being of your employees should be just as important as them turning in that assignment by the deadline. Healthier employees often equates to happier and harder working employees. If they don’t feel balanced in all aspects of their life it can really effect their performance.

The importance of making well-being a priority at work. Tips for upper management from an ex Retail Store Manager

Making Well-Being a Priority at Work

As the person in charge who mentors and guides their employees, making well-being a priority at work can do things like:
– increase morale
– boost employees self-esteem
– be a catalyst for positive change in the work place

Whether you are giving out compliments or holding health and wellness seminars – it is important to help your employees live better. If people feel good on the inside it reflects to the outside and in everything that they do – which includes their work.

My Personal Experience in Retail Management

Retail work is not for everyone. There are cranky and crazy customers. Often long hours and not enough pay. A lot of the time this equates to high turn-over. As a Retail Store Manager I always took it upon myself to praise and encourage my sales girls. Whether I ran a sales contest with prizes or made it a priority to always say a simple “thank you” at the end of their shift – I tried to treat all of the employees like they were just as important as my management team was.

There were several times where employees would later come to me and say “thank you” in return for encouraging them and treating them like human beings. I genuinely cared about how they were doing and where they were going – from their education to their career. You can form relationships with people and still hold your position when it comes to your job. Be one of the positive people in their experiences during the week.

Ways to Recognize Employees for Their Accomplishments

By recognizing employees for their accomplishments you can make often make them feel better overall. If you know that they are into competitions you can set a production or sales goal and reward the top performers – you can even reward everyone else just for their effort.

Some of the ways that you can recognize employees for their accomplishments:
1. Create a spreadsheet, poster or board that tracks your top performers: Based on my experience, this can create some healthy competition between employees and often makes everyone feel great about what they are able to accomplish while they are in the zone. You can change what the goal is every week, month, quarter and so on and even the activity because in general some people are better at certain things overall so you want to make it fair as well.
2. Recognize them during team meetings or events: If you have a small team you can have a prize, reward or certificate for everyone and point out what their best assets are. If you have a larger team you can give out bigger rewards but still give out maybe a treat bag or something small to the other members of your team.
3. Tell them to their face: When someone is going above and beyond for a long time they may be discouraged if it goes unnoticed. Give them a boost of confidence by pulling them to the side and saying “thank you.”
4. Encourage them while on the job: If you have a few employees around you do a pow-wow and point out each persons strengths. You can say something like “Jenna is really great at analyzing our XYZ reports; feel free to ask her if you want some tips.” This works well because you are pointing out the strengths of someone and encouraging others to look to them if they want some tips (which often boosts peoples self-esteem because they feel like they are the person to talk to.) Also, colleagues that are at about the same level in regards to job duties and responsibilities are more likely to ask each other questions and when they do you want them to go to the right person for certain questions.

Those are just some of the ways that I have recognized employees for their accomplishments – what are some of the ways that you have recognized your employees in the past? How have you made others feel better in the work place? How have you made well-being a priority at work? Let me know in the comments or give me a holler on Twitter.

You may also like: Job Hunting Like A Boss

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Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Review

The great folks at Matcha Organics offered me this product for a discounted price in exchange for a review. All opinions stated here are my own. For more information please visit my disclosure page.

If you don’t know, I really, really, REALLY love green tea. For awhile I have been wanting to try Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder because I heard so many great things about it. I have read articles about how it helps with energy, metabolism and memory/focus. Since I am starting 2016 trying to live a healthier lifestyle, this was the perfect time to try it out.

Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Review

You can use Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder for lattes, smoothies, shakes and baking.

The package suggests using 1/2 to 1 tsp per day. I would suggest starting with 1/2 tsp and working your way up. If you are not used to a strong or bitter tea flavor start at the lower end and/or add a sweetener.

Here are two recipes that I have used so far:

Hot Matcha Green Tea
– 1 cup hot water
– 1/2 tsp Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder
– honey or agave syrup (optional)

Iced Matcha Green Tea Lemonade
– 1/4 cup hot water
– 1/2 Tsp Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder
– 3 tablespoons lemon juice
– honey, agave syrup or your favorite sweetener (optional)
Directions: Mix hot water and Organic Matcha Green Tea Extract Powder until powder is dissolved. Mix cold water and lemon juice. Take both mixtures and pour over ice. You can always add more lemon juice and a sweetener.

My first time making a beverage, I noticed a boost in energy nearly right away. I felt a little peppy but without the jittery feeling. It was the perfect energy boost for the busy day that I had. After I use up this packet of powder I may just have to order more of it.

Since we are on break from school, I can’t give a full opinion about the memory and focus aspect, however, I did notice I felt a bit more clear-headed. Green tea often does that to me, so I sort of expected that from my experience with this product.

Do you use Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder? What are your favorite recipes?

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Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I feel that your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you or someone you know are having mental health issues please get help as soon as you can. There are Mental Health Professionals that are there to discuss your concerns with and help you with what you are going through. The longer you wait to get help, the more likely it is that the condition will get worse. I know that it is still a taboo topic but it is so important to talk about it and to get people the help that they need.

Whether you just need someone to talk to through therapy or feel you may need alternative or prescription medications please don’t be afraid to seek help. If you have been going through something for awhile now such as depression, you may be pleasantly surprised by how big of a change can occur if you find the right therapist and/or treatment. Know that you are not alone in this and that it is ok for you to find something that works for you.

Here is an infographic with more information on Changing the Way We Think About Mental Health:

Mental Health Awareness Month

Please visit Mental Health America for more information.

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Endometriosis: Removing the Veil of Silence

Endometriosis Awareness Month
Hey y’all! This is a guest post from one of my favorite people Henry Okelue. He knows several women that suffer from Endometriosis and it inspired him to write this article.

Did you know that painful period or painful sexual intercourse might actually be something else? It might be something medically referred to as Endometriosis.

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