Category: Work Life

Flashback Friday’s: Episode 7

3:AM Kisses by Addison Mooreflashback fridays

Welcome to the first Flashback Friday of April 2015. I cannot believe how quickly March flew by. It was a little bumpy with being sick and other personal reasons but I did have a lot of moments where I felt super motivated and was able to accomplish a lot of things. I look forward to this new month and everything it has to offer.

Personal Life
I have been working a lot on job hunting and it finally paid off – sort of. I was sent an email stating that I was hired by a company, however, they are not currently processing new hires so I may have to wait until mid-April for that opportunity to really come into fruition. Even though I want to start working there yesterday (ha!) I feel more confident now and not as frustrated. My hard work is paying off!!

I was also contacted by a company that liked my resume & background and wanted to know if I was interested in a web design position. Unfortunately, I have not done web designing in a very long time. I create images from time to time, but I haven’t done any designing recently so I had to pass it up. Web design is what got me into blogging in the first place and I plan on taking some courses and using one of my other websites to practice on since that is just a fun project I am working on behind the scenes. Until I am super confident in designing, I won’t be offering that as a service to people that want to hire me.

The weather here has been rainy and humid, however, we have had some nice days as well. On a particularly warmer day I decided it was a nice day to take a walk to the beach. I was going to just go for a little meditation session but I decided to invite my sister so we could just relax and enjoy the weather. We climbed down some bolder’s to get closer to the ocean and just sat for a bit enjoying the salty air. It eventually started to get humid and drizzle so we had to walk back home, but it was nice to just enjoy the day. I cannot wait for the summer – I plan on going to the beach at least a couple times a week.

I have been doing a lot of online projects and this week I thought it would be nice to have a change of scenery. Instead of working in the office or living room I decided to pack up my laptop and head over to the local community college library. It was quiet, air conditioned and being in a different atmosphere just really got me in a different head space. I am going to make it a habit to go there a couple of times a month because I enjoyed it so much.

Around the web
+ I found a website where you can mail your friend (or enemy) an envelope of glitter called Mail A B*tch Glitter. I am thinking about sending a couple of envelopes out this summer to some unsuspecting girl friends.
+ One of my goals this years is to read more. I read a lot of online articles but I have bit of an obsession with books. I enjoyed the system that they presented in this article about How to Read More and am going to attempt to put it into practice.
+ Speaking of reading, I found out about a free book [Romantic Comedy, Kindle Edition] 3:AM Kisses by Addison Moore. I will do a book review after I read it and I am not sure how long it will be available for free. If you don’t have a Kindle did you know that you can download a free Kindle app for your tablet, smartphone or computer. I forgot that I had some books already loaded on mine so I downloaded the app to my laptop and now I can read them whenever I please.

How was your week? What was your favorite part? What do you have planned for the weekend?

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 5

flashback fridays
New week! New discoveries! Every Friday I do a recap of my week. What went wrong and what went right (as well as everything in between).

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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My 5-year Recap

As we’ve been seeing from the #womenslives initiative, all of our lives are newsworthy. Write a press release covering things you’ve accomplished in the last five years.

SINGLEVILLE, Hawaii – March 9, 2015 – A lot has happened in the past five years, however, the two major milestones revolved around work life and love life so I will give you the short version of it. (more…)

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Job Hunting Like A Boss

Job Hunting Like A Boss

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Job hunting can be exciting and draining all at the same time. When you have been unemployed for more than a couple of months it can be terrifying. I read stories all the time about people struggling with their job hunt even if there are “so many jobs available.” Sometimes the jobs that are available are simply not what we are looking for and we often have to settle for a job until we get the job that we desire.

job hunting like a boss

I recently wrote about my rocky transition from working full time into part time work while finishing my Bachelor’s Degree. In the past couple of weeks I have been pushing harder to get a job that I enjoy doing and brings me the income I desire. Some people think that I am being picky, however, I know myself and know what I am capable of. I know what my worth is and that if I treat my job hunting like I am the boss of it I will succeed.

Boss Lady
Since I was 18, every job that I have had has led to a promotion. I have 10+ years of Supervisor and/or Management experience and always enjoyed the new challenges that I was presented with. I am taking job hunting on as a challenge and that makes it more exciting for me to do. I think about the tasks that need to be completed and how to “manage” them in order to make them work in my favor.

At my last job a lot of my team would call me “Boss” or “Boss Lady” and it would always make me feel proud. Sure, a lot of times they would joke at me “Yes, Boss” but most of the time it was because I was a good boss (their words, not mine.) I was the “cool” boss but I also had expectations and they knew when I was serious and meant business. So I have decided that I am gonna be that boss lady and do what needs to be done to find a great.

“I’m a hustler baby, I just want you to know. It’s not where I’ve been, It’s where I’m bout to go.” – Jay-Z
If you asked anyone that is close to me you would discover that I am a bit of a workaholic. It can be a good thing at times because I push through to get things done. It can also be a bad thing because if you push yourself too much you end up facing burnt out. If I start something though, I always intend on giving it my all and completing it. I have learned, the hard way, that sometimes you have to do a little at a time to prevent from being overwhelmed. I also have an entrepreneurial spirit so my job hunting looks a little different than others. I have always branched out and found ways to make money aside from my regular jobs. I have been an AVON lady, sold items on ebay and, did home office work for people and I have found online opportunities to make extra money as well. When you have a job you can always carve out some time to start a side hustle so that when/if you no longer have a steady income you have a way to make some money.

At the moment I am looking for a Mon-Fri job but I am also looking for jobs that I can do from home that utilize my skills. I wish everyone the best of luck if they are out there looking for a new job or even a job in general. Don’t give up!

Treating “any old job” as if it were your dream job, is the fastest way to spark the kind of life changes that will yield your dream job.
Same for any old house, friend, day, life, or pair of espadrilles.
The Universe

How I Job Hunt Like A Boss
+ I currently have a lot of time on my hands so I spend the majority of my day doing things that will get me closer to getting a job: networking, job hunting, applying for jobs and finding different streams of income. I do it in chunks but a large majority of my time goes into looking for a job.
+ Type out a list of all of my skills and added them to my profile’s on career websites as well as used them as keywords when job hunting.
+ Updated my Monster profile: added a profile picture, updated information, added my blog and other online projects under my experiences. My profile had not been updated for nearly 5 years because I was with my old company and not looking for another job at the time.
+ Updated my LinkedIn profile: added a profile picture, added my blog and other online projects under my experiences and “connected” with friends, family members and old co-workers. I seriously think this website is not utilized to its full potential. My profile sat dormant for who knows how long but I am discovering all the wonderful things I can do with it. It is a great social networking site and if you don’t have an account (or yours is just sitting there) I think you should check it out and create a profile.
+ Updated my profile on CareerBuilder
+ Downloaded the Craigslist app on my phone so I can search for jobs/gigs on the go and have notifications of new posts come directly to my phone.
+ Added some of my services to Fiverr.
+ Used the network I already have of friends, family and associates to get the word out for what I am looking for.
+ Set reminders/notifications on my phone so that I get a nudge to “apply for 2 more jobs”, “check status of application at ____” or “add a gig on Fiverr.”
+ Updated my resume.

Where to look for jobs
** Craigslist – When I lived in Georgia I found a job through there that I absolutely loved. You can also post your services there.
** Facebook – you can search for jobs, job fairs, job communities (in your profession/experience)
** LinkedIn – search and connect with others to expand your network
** Monster – easy way to search for local jobs
** Local Newspapers – you are able to find a lot of them online or if you don’t have a subscription as a friend, family member, neighbor or go to the library
** Bulletin boards – apartment complex’s, schools, grocery stores, rec centers and so many other places have bulletin boards with jobs or gigs on them. You can also advertise your services.
** University website for on-campus jobs

Connect with me on Maven

Other Useful Articles & Tools
+ Strikingly: Create a free online resume in 10 seconds.
+ How To Add Your Blog To Your Resume
+ Tips From A Recruiter: Optimize Your Resume
+ 10 Job-Hunting Tips
+ This Is Why You’re Still Job Hunting
+ 11 Job Sites To Find Your Next Job
+ Sponsored eBook: How to Quit Your Job: The Ultimate Guide to Leaving a Job Gracefully brought to you by Jobacle
+ Ways to recognize your employees for their accomplishments
+ 7 Career-Boosting Books to Read

Do you have any job hunting tips you would like to include? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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