Flashback Friday’s: Episode 17

flashback fridays

Hey y’all! Happy Friday! I hope this past week was a great one and I hope that you enjoy your weekend as well. Any graduates out there reading? If so, congratulations! Let me know what you have planned next in the comments section.

My sister graduated from Community College recently and my nephew graduates from Preschool this weekend. I can’t believe it has been almost 20 years since I have graduated from high school! Where has the time gone?

If you read my post last week (or follow me on Twitter or Facebook) you know that I haven’t been feeling well lately so I have mostly been laid up in bed feeling like crap. I got a ear infection, sinus issues and other crappity things going on. BLEH

In and out of feeling miserable I was catching up on blog reading around the web and here are a few of my favorite reads from this week:

Pulling Yourself Out of A Ditch: I really needed to read this at this time because after last summer and my health scare I promised myself that I would pull back and start taking better care of myself which also includes working less and living more. This was a great reminder!

The Daily System That Makes Me Get Things Done: Great tips on getting your days organized and getting things DONE!

3 Reasons we need to slow down in life + business: Maya’s 1st reason is taking care of your health. Since I am working on a blog post about that (and my personal experiences) it really resonated with me.

Be kind to your self.

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A Craving For Love

Can you believe it is already June? This year has been going by so extremely fast. My birthday is coming up next month and I am so excited. Mainly because I get to celebrate another year of life but mostly because I get to celebrate it with the people I care about the most. This year there are a handful of ideas I have about how I want to celebrate. I may do one or two of them or maybe even more.

One thing that makes me a little sad is that I won’t have a date for whatever I plan to do in celebration. Last year during this time I was stressed out from work but I had my ex there supporting me and being that person I could turn to. Things were going well in the romance department and I really did not see us breaking things off a couple months later.

Don’t get me wrong – I have no problem being single, however, I really, really miss having that special person in my life to make memories with. That person I can turn to for support and advice. One that loves me and sees in me more than I see in myself. I miss having a place to run to when I feel I have nowhere to turn.

I miss being in love. I miss date nights and beach days. I miss lazy Sunday’s together. I miss being goofy. I miss getting my ass kicked on video games because I have no clue what I am doing. I just miss it all.

I am patient about it yet there are moments where I just get frustrated and want to know when is it going to be my turn again? I see relationships around me starting, struggling or even completely falling apart and I want to be a part of something. I want it and I need it. You can even say that I crave it.

My last relationship was one one of the healthiest ones I ever had and I feel like that is why I crave being in love again so much. With breakups in the past there was a lot of anger, hurt, frustration, confusion and even sometimes rage. I mourned over what I felt I lost and I built walls up that the next guy that came along had to tear down. But with this last one I feel like it was so good and it wasn’t extremely horrific at the end.

So I want to start over – even though it scares the shit out of me. My ex filled me with so much love and hope about what a relationship could be. I want to share all the love that I have inside of me with someone else. I want to share the best parts of me with someone and I know the next time it will be so beautifully blessed. I know that person is out there and craving what I have to offer. I am just waiting for the Universe to align us in a way that we both recognize it.

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 16


Hey y’all. Welcome to another Friday. I hope you had an amazing week.

This week has been a rough one for me. I was able to make it to work a couple of days but by Wednesday the yucky feelings I have been having lately really knocked me out.

I woke up for work feeling extremely fatigued, congested, my body ached everywhere and I had the worst earache that I have had in a long time.

According to the doctor my ear canal is swollen and I may be having other complications. I have to get some blood work done this weekend to get more answers.

Until then I have medication, vitamins, ear drops and lots of rest to get me feeling better again. If I have the energy this weekend I would like to go walk to the beach and relax on the sand.

I hope all of you are doing well and thank you for stopping by. If you notice people around you are getting sick take some Zinc & Vitamin C. Don’t wait until it is too late.

What do you have planned for this weekend?

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 15

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Hey y’all! How was your week? I hope it was wonderful. Last weekend was so much fun! We had family and friends stopping in throughout the weekend and it was a pleasure to have them. We had a adult beverage night, pizza night & a BBQ night. We also had fun times with my niece, nephew and some of my little cousins. We set up a little pool for them, took them for an evening of crabbing and lit up the fire pit for s’mores. I loved that the kids had so much fun. Every night they were worn out from all the excitement that they had.

Having Monday off from work was really nice and because I had an extra day to spend with family and friends over the weekend. Now that it is getting closer to Summer I plan on filling my weekends with friends & family time. My birthday is in July and I plan on celebrating the entire month lol. I can’t wait to go on adventures and create memories with the people close to me.

Lately so many of my friends and family members have been going through some extremely rough patches. All I can do is pray for them because it has just been overwhelming and I am dealing with some of my own issues. One main thing has been really bothering me is how exhausted I have been. It is more than just a lack of sleep. I really feel like something is physically wrong with me and I am hoping to get some answers from my doctor soon. I have always had issues with my iron levels and I have a feeling that may be the problem. I am really hoping that is the what is going on because it is a fairly easy “fix.”

I hope that everyone had a wonderful week and if I can give you one piece of advice it would be to take some tasks off of your to-do list and schedule in some “me” time. I have been deleting things off my calendar/schedule and to-do list and trying to focus on the most important items first and foremost which includes family, friends and ME. Trust me. It will be worth it once you do it. Take care of you and you will be better equipped to be there for others.

How was your week? Any exciting plans for this weekend? Let me know in the comments section.

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Memorial Day In Hawaii

I just wanted to take a moment out to extend my love, prayers and appreciation to the family and friends of those that lost their life fighting for our freedom. My heart goes out to all of you and may you be at peace knowing that your friend or family member was and still is appreciated for all that they did for our country.

I know that most people enjoy the long weekend and attend parties or barbecue’s. Others may do some type of ceremony or gathering to remember and honor their friends or family members. I wanted to share a little about what happens in Hawaii for Memorial Day to see if it differs from what other people do around the world. We have several military bases here and such a diverse population so I am sure we do things a little differently. Some events occur on Sunday but the rest occur on Monday.

Every year people enjoy the long weekend and have beach days, parties or barbecue’s. Friends and families of fallen service members will go to grave sites and place flowers, leis, gifts and other symbolic pieces there. Some may also have a small gathering or ceremony to honor those that they lost. These often lead to beautiful historical backgrounds of happier times with their loved one. The best stories come from older Retired Service Members that recall their past experiences and it brings a twinkle to their eye.

Flags are usually flown half-staff from sunrise to noon. A lot of people fly in and visit historical places, one of our several military bases or cemeteries like the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific or Hawaii State Veterans Cemetery and attend ceremonies in honor of their lost loved ones.

In the evening there is also the Lantern Floating Ceremony which is used as a way to honor and remember people that you have lost. I always want to make it to one, however, it gets super busy there and/or I am usually working during that time.. It is a beautiful ceremony from what I have seen (pictures and videos) and you can watch it live if you would like tonight at 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Hawai’i Standard Time.

When I was a Girl Scout I remember we used to put leis and flags on graves. It was really amazing how much love and appreciation that was in the air during this time.

I hope you got to learn a little bit about what it is like for Memorial Day in Hawaii.
May you have a beautifully blessed day.
Love & Aloha,

What do you and your family and/or friends do in remembrance of our fallen service members?

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 14

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Aloha! Welcome to Flashback Friday’s here at my blog. This is my weekly update on what has been going on in my life during the week. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you get a chance to look around at the other posts that I have written. If you’re interested in subscribing you may do so on the right hand side (you may have to scroll down a bit to find it.) I look forward to getting to know you!

Last weekend was super busy for me and I loved every minute of it. I attended 2 different graduation parties, a graduation dinner (at Red Lobster where I enjoyed way too many biscuits) and we also had a BBQ at our home which ended with making s’mores over the fire. I got to spend a lot of time with family so it was a great end to a hectic week. By Saturday evening I was worn out but it was great because I was able to sleep in on Sunday.

On Sunday night I planned to go to bed extremely early, but we decided to watch a movie instead. I’m glad that I stayed up because the pick of the evening was Annie (2014) since nobody had seen it yet. Growing up I watched the other version many, many times and I was not disappointed at all with this latest version. I’m not very big on musicals (as an adult) but I really enjoyed this version. The cast was great and I would definitely watch it again. I can’t believe the one I grew up watching came out in 1982! It has been awhile since I watched it and would love to watch that one as well.

What are your plans for Memorial Day weekend?

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