Author: Rose G

Lifestyle Blogger & Freelance Writer

Blog Life: Sharing My Life Online

How do you determine what is worth reporting from your life since not every moment of your day ends up on your blog?
I have been using the internet since about 1999 and sharing my life with the world since around the same time. I have always had a website, blog, journal or social media account in which I shared bits about my life. When I share my life online, I try to be as transparent as possible because I consider myself an open book. I like to know that the person writing a blog is a real person with real experiences and not just an online persona so that is how I choose to be as well.

When I read someones story on their blog about something they accomplished I get inspired or when they write about a tragedy I feel compassion. As bloggers, when we share our life with others we can often learn so much about ourselves. We can share common struggles or issues as well as praise each other’s accomplishments. Sometimes we connect on things and it turns into projects or even business partnerships.

When it comes to sharing my life on my blog I don’t have any specific formula that helps me to figure out whether the topic is worth a post or mention. If it is a major event I will usually blog about it. For example, I am currently working on getting a job and/or creating a business and I wrote about it. I shared my experience along with some resources. To me sharing is caring. And I care. I like knowing that if someone reads that post – or any of my more personal posts – that they get to know about me and benefit from any discoveries or resources I came across as well.

If something smaller happened in my life like I baked something from scratch, I may post about it on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook instead. I like to think I am pretty open when it comes to sharing what is happening in my life. When I blog I usually write and share about bigger moments so that people reading it can find out more about me or be inspired or laugh or cry. I enjoy the discussions that occur once I hit that publish button.

For me, blogging has been very therapeutic. I can write about things that are happening and share it with others. A lot of times when bad things happen in my life and I write about it people come and give me so much love and support. Though I am not blogging in order to find sympathy, I do feel that sharing what I am going through can help others with what they are going through and vice versa.

Bottom line… I am fairly open about my life when it comes to blogging and I have not published anything that I regret sharing with the interwebs.

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo March 2015

Make sure you check out all of my NaBloPoMo Posts

Are you participating in NaBloPoMo this month? Let me know in the comments so I can read your posts.
Do you like to read blogs where people share their life with readers?
What do you share online? Anything you are completely uncomfortable sharing online?

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Blogger Or Journalist?

Are bloggers journalists? Why or why not? If they are journalists, should they be held to journalistic standards? Why or why not?
I do not think bloggers are journalists in the traditional sense, however, some bloggers create the same type of content that a journalist would. Depending on their niche or interests some bloggers do create useful articles that are used to inform people. Some bloggers are even journalists in the making. Just because someone does not professionally do something that does not mean they lack the skills to do it.

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Social Media vs Traditional Media

Social Media vs Traditional Media
Have there been events when you’ve turned to social media over traditional media or vice versa?
Social Media has really been the place that I turn to for most events. It just seems that I tend to get a lot more out of it and come out feeling more informed when I turn to Social Media instead of Traditonal Media. Based on what I have seen others say online I am not alone in feeling this way. People turn to Social Media when there are events happening so that they can be informed as well as to join in on any discussion that may be taking place.

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Mystic Divine Nourishing Shampoo Review

Mystic Divine Nourishing Shampoo

I love to share about products that I use and I was recently given a bottle of
Mystic Divine Nourishing Shampoo as a gift and since I loved it so much I thought I would share my experience by writing a product review about my experience with it.

At the moment my hair is in a transitioning stage – half natural and half chemically straightened – so it is important that I take care of it to prevent breakage. Even though I am a recovering product junkie, I only have a handful of products that I actually use in rotation. But since I got this as a gift and it seemed like something I might like, I decided to go ahead and try it out.

Side note: I normally do not use shampoo often – I do the no-poo method when I wash my hair and only use shampoo a couple of times a month. The reason I do the no-poo method is because my hair flourished once I stopped using shampoo as frequently. Most shampoos would dry out my hair and I believe they were part of the reason my hair was dry and brittle.

According to the bottle, Mystic Divine Nourishing Shampoo is derived from a unique blend of exotic Argan and Monoi Oils to gently cleanse and strengthen dry damaged hair, enahancing shine and smoothness. I have never used any products with Argan Oil in it but I hear that has recently became extremely popular in the beauty world. I liked the description of what it does so I was really excited to try it.

I normally like to wash my hair in the day time because I like to give it the full day to dry. This also gives me time to see how my hair is reacting to a product before I lay down to sleep. So on the day I initially tried
Mystic Divine Nourishing Shampoo I did my normal shower routine and whipped out the bottle to test it out.

What I really liked about the bottle – besides the pretty colors and exotic look – was that it is a pump. I just feel like having a pump makes things so much easier because you can control how much product you are using. I have a lot of hair so I use a lot of product but if I am using the product to mix with something else having a pump is usually easier to manage than regular bottles that you pour out.

Since I have a lot of hair I ended up using about 4 pumps to get enough product to saturate my roots. I usually wash my roots and as I am rinsing I stop and let the suds slide down the rest of my hair and wash the ends. Your roots are usually what needs the most cleansing because of built up oils and any other particles.
Mystic Divine Nourishing Shampoo
didn’t suds up like some shampoo’s do, but I actually prefer that. It created a little bit of suds and it didn’t feel like it was drying out my hair at all. Also, the scent was lovely – sweet but not overpowering. It has that exotic nut oil scent to it.

As I rinsed the product out my hair was feeling smooth and soft – something I look for when I do use a shampoo. Some people like that “squeaky clean” feeling – I don’t – when it feels like that I feel like my hair lost all of its natural oils and moisture. It instantly feels dry to me. I liked that my hair felt clean but still soft and healthy.

Throughout the day I kept sniffing my hair. The scent was really nice and soft, not overpowering at all. I also kept touching my hair because as it dried it remained soft, manageable and smooth to the touch. I have heard that some products that contain oils leave a residue. With this product my hair wasn’t dry or brittle and it also did not have any oily residue.

Overall I really liked this shampoo and would definitely recommend it to others. As far as it strengthening my hair, my hair does not feel weak or brittle after using it several times. I would definitely say that it at does help to keep my hair safe from breakage. In the meantime, I still have about half a bottle left and will be using all of it up. I have added this to my favorite shampoo list and will purchase it for myself in the future.

P.S. I also received one other product from this line but I have not used it yet. Once I do I will let y’all what my experience with it is.

What products do you use with Argan Oil in them?
Have you tried this brand before?
What is your favorite shampoo?

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Twitter As A News Source

Twitter as a news source
How do you get your news right now? How does it differ from 10 years ago?
As things seemingly get crazier in the news I have noticed myself less likely to seek out the news. Getting updated on the latest world happenings is important to me, however, too many horrible things continue to happen and I can only consume so much of it at a time. Even though I do not actively go looking for it, news stories do eventually make their way into my life.

If I look back 10 years I believe that I was still occasionally reading newspapers and watching the nightly news. Outside of that friends, family, co-workers and the radio were usually the sources that gave me the most information. When I was working customers would also bring events up in conversations. For example: when Michael Jackson died it was customers that brought it to my attention. I thought it was some type of hoax and it wasn’t until later that evening when I did some research that I found out it was true. I often didn’t hear about major events until days or even weeks later.

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Spring Wish List 2015

spring wish listI love going shopping online because I can discover things I may not normally see in stores. Usually I just create wishlists and they sit there until the holidays or my birthday comes around. Then I share them with friends and family that ask what I want. I usually can’t think of anything off the top of my head so wishlists come in handy. Here are the items that I recently added to my wish list.

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