Category: Her

Flashback Friday’s: Episode 13

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Welcome to another Flashback Friday!! I hope you had a wonderful week. Mine was a little bumpy but nothing that I couldn’t handle. I ended up with an earache this week which made me feel miserable and not want to do anything but curl up in a ball. Being a grownup is hard sometimes – you can’t always stay home and get your Mommy to take care of you. You have to push through sometimes and go to work – so I did. Unfortunately I haven’t been getting a good nights rest very much so I have been walking around like a zombie for awhile. Even though sometimes I can sneak in a nap I still feel really tired. Hopefully this weekend I can spend some extra hours snoozing so that my body really feels refreshed and ready for next week by Monday morning. I like to be alert and ready for the day when I have to work not dragging.

I really like my job – it can be tedious at times and a lot of information to take in but I am enjoying it. I am hoping that I am doing a good job (they haven’t gotten rid of me yet, so that is a good sign.) It is nice that I get to work from home a lot of the time and it is not as stressful as my old job was. I hope that I can stay and grow with them for awhile. Yay for me! It is actually a bit of a relief not being in charge anymore. I loved being a manager and training new people but sometimes it was too much going on but being the manager I couldn’t step back and take time whenever I pleased. So this has been a really great experience for me.

Besides working I have been trying to get my life more organized. I want to change my room around a bit and hopefully get a desk to put in there if I can find the space. I have been trying to get rid of things that I no longer use to make more space and I am also scanning as much paperwork as I can so that I can shred the hard copies so I have less paper mess as well. I have a lot of plans for how I want my life to run by the time I return to school and the more organized everything is the smoother the transition back should be.

I am super excited for this weekend because a couple of people close to me are graduating from college – including my sister. She is getting her Associate’s Degree and I am so proud of her. After the summer she is headed to Nursing school so in a few more years we get to celebrate with her again. This weekend is going to be full of a lot of celebrating and time with friends and family members. I hope that my body is ready for this because I know by Sunday I am gonna be full of joy but exhausted!

Any 2015 graduates out there? If so congratulations on all of your hard work!

How was your week? Anything exciting happen?
What do you have planned for the weekend?

Let me know in the comments

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 12

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This was a busy week for me. It seemed like it really just flew by. I didn’t have the time I would have liked to have for certain things but it is because I wasn’t organized and chose to do other things instead. I had plans for this weekend but I really just need the weekend to recover from the whirlwind that is my life.

The most exciting thing that happened for me was going to see The Avengers: Age of Ultron. I really enjoyed it, however, some of the time I wish there was more action involved. I did like that they went more into some of the characters backgrounds – that was a nice touch. I was a little bummed at the lack of Thor in the movie though. lol

I can’t believe that Mother’s Day is already here. I hope all the Mother’s out there have a beautiful weekend. I send my love and respect to all of you. Being a Mother is one of the toughest jobs in the world. I am not a Mother (yet) but I am up for challenge whenever that day comes for me. I asked my Mom what she wanted to do for Mother’s Day and she said “sleep” – lol – she has been working super hard lately so sleep is what we shall give her. Everyone have a great weekend!


What are your plans for this weekend?
Did you watch Avengers (or any other movies recently)? If so – how did you like it?

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 11


This has been a busy week for me at work and I’m not sure if it is my body adjusting to working again or *crosses fingers* that I am getting sick but I have been really exhausted lately. I find myself going to bed earlier and earlier every night. It is a good thing but I just feel like something is a little off in my body. I’m going to drink more water and do more stretches through the day in the hopes that it will get me feeling better.

I have been working from home this whole week so that had been nice. I get to take care of things in during my breaks and I enjoy the freedom that it gives me. Some days I work a bit in the morning and a bit in the evening. I have time for writing, napping, relaxing and just doing other things my old job wouldn’t allow me to get done. I have gotten so many important emails and phone calls out of the way because I have part of my day to do these things. It has been great!

I haven’t done anything too exciting this week so instead I am going to just share from a conversation I had with a friend.

Recently I was talking to my friend and they told me I need to be ok with being an emotional person. I had mentioned that I try to keep it bottled up sometimes because I have had instances where I was bare and raw and emotional with someone and they did not know how to react. I felt exposed and abandoned. It was a horrible feeling and I never want to be in that situation again. My friend told me that if that is who I am I need to be ok with it and not worry how others are going to deal with it. It was really refreshing to hear and I just what I needed to hear at the moment.

After my last breakup I could feel myself building a little wall up because I felt so lost. When you don’t see it coming it is so difficult to deal with. I don’t want to let anyone in that is going to hurt me but I realize now that I am hurting myself by keeping people out. I am losing out on possibilities.

My friend also said that they think I wait too long to tell a man I am interested. This is true yet false. I feel like I throw hints but I like to get an ok from the other party first before I pursue anything further.

I am going to work on this and let ya’all know what happens.

What about you? What is holding you back from love?

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Wedding Anniversary Quotes

I have been thinking a lot about weddings and anniversaries lately because so many people in my life recently got married, are getting married soon or are celebrating a wedding anniversary. Spring time is a lovely time of year and I know a lot of people like to enjoy this new season with a new commitment to their partner. The weather is usually fairly nice so I can see why so many people decide to get married during these months. In fact the beginning of next month I am attending one of my friends wedding and I am so excited. Remind me that I still need to buy a dress for her wedding.

Anywho, little known fact about me is that I sometimes make handmade greeting cards. I have thought about starting a little business one day when I get really good at it. I like to personalize them for people close to me and just enjoy doing it. Usually I write my own words in them, but I have been searching for quotes lately – for inspiration as well as to use. Here are a few of my favorite wedding anniversary quotes that I found on

To keep your marriage brimming


The best thing

A wedding anniversary

If you would like more anniversary quotes make sure you check out

Do you have any favorite wedding anniversary quotes?

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Blog Life: How I Am Going To Grow As A Blogger

Set a spring resolution: what is one thing you’re going to do differently this spring to grow as a blogger?

The idea of growing as a blogger can make you nervous or excited. I tend to be more excited, but to be honest, sometimes I am extremely nervous to push past limits and try things I have never tried before. I think that change is good, however, at the same time I know that moving from one point to another comes with concerns as well. I try to remind myself that there may be some bumps in the roads (or even full-on roadblocks) but if I really want something I can usually push through and come out successful. All the bloggers that inspired me were once where I am so I know that anything is possible.

my blogging goals hertaintedlips

I have been doing little things here and there but one thing that I really need to work on is taking a look at my Blogging Goals and make sure I am doing what it takes to reach those goals. I need to hold myself accountable. Luckily I found 3 great blogging accountability partners so I have others that are going to check up on me.

As far as my actual blogging goals go, I may have to add additional goals and/or modify the ones that I already have. I think I can break some of them into bit size pieces or change them all together so that they are more in line with what I am trying to accomplish (which changes often.) I look forward to working on my blogging goals and figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

So the main thing I will be focusing on is modifying and working towards my blogging goals which will in turn help me to grow as a blogger.

This post is a part of NaBloPoMo April 2015. You can check out my other NaBloPoMo Posts

What are you doing to grow as a blogger?

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Flashback Friday’s: Episode 9

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Is it really Friday again? Where did this week go? I have been feeling really exhausted lately mainly because my sleeping pattern has been really wonky lately. It got to the point where I would fall asleep with my phone in my hand while writing a text message or playing a game of Words With Friends. I am hoping this weekend I won’t have much to do so I can get some much needed rest and relaxation.

This week has been full of training at my new job so that is where most of my focus has been. I know, I know… you miss me being on Twitter 24/7 lol. I am really loving my new job and I have learned so many things in such a short amount of time.

In other news, I did manage to write a post about myself called the ABC’s of me. That was fun to do and I challenge you to do it if it sounds like something fun for you to do as well. Also my other blog grew another year older. It turned 5 years old this past weekend.

Going back to my wacky sleep schedule – there was something exciting that came from it and I think it will benefit me and the people that read my blog. During a tossing and turning fit one morning (at 4am) I happened to FINALLY be awake for the #SITSblogging Twitter chat (held 7am PST on Saturdays) and I stumbled upon some blogging accountability partners! I have always wanted at least 1 and I found 3!! My lucky 3 *wink wink*. We are going to help each other with our blogging goals and I am so excited to have found them. Make sure to check them out at their online homes:

+ Teresa at Embracing the Spectrum

+ Diana at This Imperfect Happiness

+ Anna at Hello, Handbag

So I guess lack of sleep is worth it (sometimes.)

Anywho, I hope y’all have a great weekend. What do you have planned for this weekend?

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