Category: Her

I’m Back (SORTA)


flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Where do I even begin? Last year I was starting to pick up on my blogging and attempting to write and publish blog posts more consistently but life happened and all of my great plans and ideas came to a screeching halt.

I was wrapping up my final semesters of school, my Dad passed away and I was forced to get a second part-time job in order to afford living in Hawaii.

Needless to say I think about blogging and writing a lot. More so now than ever. I have so much to write and share but even during the times where I am not overwhelemed with different emotions or exhausted from working 12 hour days, I just can’t seem to put a post together.

I had some time off today and thought I would sit here and just write. Not even think about if any of this makes sense or where to put the sentences or paragraphs. Just write. Write because I love it. Write because it excites me.

Something that inspired me to write/blog again (more?) was somehow being off (between my two jobs) to catch the WriteStuff chat on Twitter – I haven’t been participating in twitter chats much lately or any social media really unless I have time while I lay around and try to get rest or just relax a little bit.

Another thing that inspired me was this Marie Forleo (one of my favorite people) youtube video with Sarah Jones about trusting your intuition and listening to that little voice. I choose to listen to that little voice.

Anywho, forgive the mess. I am back (sorta). Expect more random posts coming to you shortly. Summer time is my favorite time – beaches and bbq’s as well as my birthday coming up (July 10th). Thank you for hanging in there with me. I love you.

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Flashback Friday’s: Sick & Tired

Happy Friday Folks!
I hope that you had a wonderful week. As I prepare this post (I usually write and edit Flashback Friday’s posts throughout the week) I am fighting a terrible cold and cough. I have been surrounded by coworkers and customers with colds and the flu so it was pretty much a given that I would end up catching some type of bug. Two days of just resting and hydrating myself has done me well but I may need a day or two more to really get back to being myself again.

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Friday’s are great days usually – it is payday, the end of the week (and start of the weekend) but since I’m in a crummy mood I’m gonna just share a couple things I am sick & tired of so I apologize if this is missing a joyful message today. lol

I am Sick & Tired of…
+ Being stressed out about things that are completely out of my control. I will do what I can on my part and just release the rest to the Universe. Stress is just overall sh*tty – the feeling of it sucks and the way it can lead to me being sick is just not worth it in the end.
+ People assuming they know something about me just because I carry a characteristic of someone they knew in the past. You can’t fully know me unless you take a chance to know me. Stop assuming sh*t.
+ This weather. It really needs to make up it’s mind. It was cool and breezy yesterday and today it is storming and humid. This weather always leads to people getting allergies, the cold and/or the flu. Just stoppit already.
+ Your president. That is not my president and I still for the life of me don’t understand how the joke (of him even running) ended up with him being the president. You sure this isn’t an early April Fools Joke? Because it makes us (the U.S.) look like a bunch of fools if you ask me.
+ Twitter not allowing us to edit our tweets. Get with the program.

That concludes the things I am currently sick and tired of. I’m sure there are others but my head is so cloudy and my sinuses are so stuffed up I can’t think straight. lol

Anywho, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and stay healthy out there. Water, rest, theraflu and ACV drink have been my friends.

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Flashback Friday’s: New Adventures

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Life, Life
Life has been good for me aside from ongoing car issues. But I remain positive and hopeful about what is coming up. I was able to spend time with family members for my sisters birthday – which is always great. Family time is one of my favorite things!

Work Life
Guess who is starting their second part time job this weekend? You guessed it! In order to get ahead financially (and save up so I can afford a bigger place) I decided I needed to get a second job.

Blog Life
I am happy to report that I have worked on many of these drafts that have just been sitting there. There are several posts that I have completed and are scheduled to post during the next couple of months. WOO HOO. I haven’t added too many new drafts as I want to work on the posts that I have planned first – but if there is a topic that I really, really, really feel like I need to write about, I will definitely be added that to the ongoing list.

College Life
Now that I will be working 2 jobs (and my side hustles + Avon business) I really have to organize and plan how I will work on my 2 Senior Projects. Because I love writing and doing research so much it doesn’t feel so much like work or a task that needs to be done so that is a good thing (for me.) I have been sticking to the schedule I created so far and will tweak it a bit based on my new work schedule and availability. I am super excited to be getting closer and closer to graduation!

How was your week? Let us know in the comments!

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Flashback Friday’s: Updates On Life & More

flashback fridays hertaintedlips

Life has been… interesting lately.
About a month ago I started having car issues. Slowly different things were found to be the culprit and were fixed but we still have some issues that need to be looked into. This has lead me to getting a bus pass for the first time in over 5 years.

Instead of coming and going as I please, I have to rely on the bus. I don’t have a problem riding the bus, however, the time it takes travelling and waiting for a transfer bus cuts into time that could be spent doing other things like sleeping, blogging, writing my two Senior Project papers and so on. It has been such an inconvenience that I have found myself near tears dreading the long bus adventures.

Actually riding the bus is a different story. I see a lot of interesting people and get to view the city instead of focusing on driving. It has actually inspired me to get out and go do more things (even though the introvert in me is saying “stay home and read a book”) – I actually went to walk around the mall and browse in Barnes & Noble. I didn’t have to worry about driving around the parking lot for 10 minutes trying to find a parking stall.

I have decided that even if/when I get my car fixed, I am going to catch the bus a couple times a month to go on some adventures. I’m only going to stay in my area (Honolulu) and Waikiki/Ala Moana – but this has actually been a good change (for the most part) – but pray we figure out what is wrong with my car because I miss her dearly.

Blog Life
I have been very productive behind the scenes when it comes to blogging tasks. I have been more organized and actually been working on these 50+ drafts that have been sitting there waiting for some action. I plan on posting at least 2-4 times on every blog that I contribute to and I feel like I am off to a good start. I have a bunch of posts scheduled to post within the next couple of weeks so let’s see how I continue to stay consistent with everything else going on in my life.

Work Life
Nothing new to report. Still enjoy my job. It has came with more challenges mostly in the form of us being busier. I have been looking for a second part time job (possibly for evening/weekend) – but with the car issues that has been a bit difficult since public transit adds 1-2 hours of travel time usually. So trying to increase my side hustle and Avon income more instead since that is something I don’t necessarily have to travel for (as often) – wish me luck.

College Life
We are in week 2 of a new semester. I feel good about this semester and I think if I continue to stay on top of everything I will do great and not stress out (too much) this semester. I’m happy that I only have to physically go to my school once a week. Since I am doing 2 Senior Projects it required a lot of writing which is actually good for me because it is forcing me to write something daily – a habit I have been trying to have for quite sometime. This should help me not only with school and freelance work but also with my blogging. I consider that a major win.

I hope that you all are doing well and have a great weekend. Thank you again for stopping in to read about what I have been up to this week.

What are your plans for the weekend? Anything exciting happen for you this week? Let us know in the comments!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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Flashback Friday’s: New Year, New Me?

Well look at you – surviving the first week of this year! 2016 was a huge struggle for many people apparently, but it is a NEW year and we can choose to make this a time of new beginnings as well. I want to thank you for stopping in and reading – whether you have been reading my blog for years or if this is your first time here. Hello. Aloha. Welcome. Thank you!

If you’re wondering what a Flashback Friday post is – it is my way of recapping what I was up to during the week. I attempt to post these as regularly as I can, however, that does not always happen. With this new year I do plan on scheduling these out and working on them throughout the week because I am more likely to complete the post if I work on it in that way. Anywho, here is the first one for 2017…

flashback fridays hertaintedlips
This past week has actually been great. I had some stressful situations occur but I can definitely say some really great things have happened. More good than bad happened so I am hoping to ride this positive wave right into the first quarter of the year. What really put me in a great mood was getting a raise at my job. WOO HOO. Who doesn’t like to get rewarded for their hard work?

Of course a new year often means new years resolutions, setting goals and all that jazz. I try to set goals throughout the year but I do think the new year is a good time to reflect and reevaluate where you are at with previous goals, what needs to be done (or let go) and what goals you would like to set in the future. It is a new beginning.

I have mentioned before that the rough and wild ride of 2016 kept me from planning out 2017 the way I had originally intended on doing but I won’t let that stop me from doing it now. It isn’t too late. So this past week (and couple of months actually) I have been really thinking about what I want to do with this new year. This new beginning.

First thing I did this week was really purge and get rid of things that are no longer serving me. From physical objects and emails to people and relationships. It has been a very freeing experience. I have been feeling bogged down with stuff lately and letting go feels so wonderful. Another bonus is when you let go of certain things it makes room for the new.

Another thing I have been doing is planning out how I am going to take better care of my health. As many of you know my Father passed away in October. He has lived most of his adult life with several health issues and it as always difficult watching him suffer. Boy was that a wake up call.

I have intended on taking better care of myself (and have been trying off and on) but his death really reminded me that life is short and if there are things I can do to live a healthier life full of energy and minimal illness – that is the life I want to choose. One step I took so far this is I went to my ophthalmologist to get checked for any damage diabetes may have had on my eyes and was told I was not having any issues so continue to do what I was doing. Last year I significantly lowered my A1c and plan on lowering it more this year.

I have a lot more things planned this year in regards to taking better care of myself and I will be sure to mention them along the way. You can learn more about my weight loss journey and diabetes management efforts at

Another thing I worked on this year was planning out my Avon business and other side hustle goals. I am trying to avoid having to get second part time job so organizing and setting goals should put me in a place to make the extra money required to take care of my personal expenses. I looked at how much money I made from Avon, blogging and my other freelance work last year and I know I can double if not triple it this year if I set small goals, hold myself accountable and am consistent.

So… that’s what I have been up to this week. I am taking the route of making this year about ME. Improving on who I am and the things that I do because I know it will pay off in the end. Better health, losing weight, self care and making that money.

**Cheers to a new year and a new me (and you if you so choose).**

What do you hope to accomplish this year? Let us know in the comments.

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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2016: A Year In Review

Welcome to 2017. If you are familiar with you know that we do Flashback Friday’s most Friday’s and post about what happened during the week. I like the idea of it and I did a year in review post for 2015 last year so I thought it would be fun to do it again this year even though it didn’t end up on a Friday. I hope you enjoy it!

Flashback Fridays Year In Review 2016 hertaintedlips

+ I moved! I ended up moving closer to my job into a small little place to call my own.

+ I got the flu from h#ll – so glad that I got over that but I was out from school and work for a little over a week and had so much catching up to do.
+ On the bright side, I got a lot of freelance writing and other money making opportunities – just enough to cover the amount of money I was out of since I was going to school more and had to cut back my hours at my job.

+ Launched a new blog project with Kristina called We share about our journey to healthy living. From weight loss and working out to cravings and our favorite fitness apparel. This has been a really great project for me.

+ This was the month before finals so life was pretty crazy. Not much going on with the blog.

+ Did this month even happen? HA!

+ This was a great, yet a tough month! I had family members from different states come to visit which meant lots of fun, laughter and new memories with them. Unfortunately I also a horrible allergic reaction which resulted in me being hospitalized a few days and one of my Aunt’s passed away. Let’s just say I was being tested. *whew*

July (My Birthday Month)
+ I wrote about finding your passion or your “thing” and having a quarter life crisis

+ New semester of school started! Just four more courses left (as of August 2016) before I can graduate with my Bachelor’s Degree. Unfortunately I could only take 2 of them during this semester but I was so happy that I am getting closer to graduating.
+ I got some exciting offers in regards to moving my blog forward (business wise) so it was an exciting time to be a blogging business woman.

+ This month went by super fast! I was super busy with work and school.

+ As the year was quickly coming to a close I made sure that I spent a lot of time with family and friends whenever possible. My modified school schedule allowed that flexibility and I was so happy for that. Unfortunately, My Dad ended up in the hospital and weeks later passed away. It was a really rough time.
+ Started planning out holiday posts as best as I could considering the circumstances – product reviews, gift guides and sharing coupons and sales.

+ This month went by super fast and I ended up being sick so I shared my favorite ways to stay healthier (and get better quicker) during the holidays.

+ After a very long and tumultuous year things seemed to settle down a bit. I reflected on what happened and tried not to dwell too much on the bad things. The holidays are usually my favorite time of year because of time with family and friends but this time around it took me longer to get into the spirit. It wasn’t until I was trying to cheer someone else up by taking them to see Christmas lights that my Christmas spirit really kicked into gear.

What wonderful (or even not so wonderful) things happened in your life last year? If you have a year in review post please share it below!

Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links which means I will earn a small commission (at no additional cost to you) if you decide to purchase something featured here. This commission will be invested back into as well as help me buy a cheap bottle of wine or some Starbucks. For more information please read our disclosure page.

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